Minor Majority - By This Time Tomorrow
Under følger det en veldig enkel versjon av en utrolig fin sang (By This Time Tomorrow)
Dersom noen av dere vet om en måte man kan gjøre den enklere / finere på
vennligst si ifra!
NB! Sangen er ment til fingerspilling!
NB 2! For å få en fin klang med fingerspillet kan man variere med å
spille Dm med og uten G-strengen inne (prøv deg fram).
Dm Cadd9 G
Just one more promise and then I’ll leave
Dm Cadd9 G
the floor turns into velcro under my feet
Dm Cadd9 G
a big yellow taxi and an empty street
Dm Cadd9 G
play past it, play past it
C G Am Em F G
By this time tomorrow I’ll be over you
C G Am Em F G
by this time tomorrow there’ll be nothing left to loose
Dm Cadd9 G
and it breaks my heart
Vers 2:
Dm Cadd9 G
They all say I should let go of you
Dm Cadd9 G
that you’re nothing but a mood that I choose
Dm Cadd9 G
they don’t know how we spent our days
Dm Cadd9 G
they don’t know what we’re throwing away
--------- Ref: ---------
Vers 3:
Dm Cadd9 G
Just one more phone-call just to let you know
Dm Cadd9 G
to cover my mistakes to correct my wrongs
Dm Cadd9 G
Spent so much time trying to let you go
Dm Cadd9 G
Now I don't know if it’s what I want
--------- Ref: --------- (fade out)
Håper dere likte min versjon
Am C Cadd9 Dm Em F
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