September When - Waste Of Time
Morten Abel-The September When
From 'Mother, I've been kissed'
She s|at almost there in the c[D]orner of my eye
A [G]long time ag[Am]o
|Weaving up stories 'bout w[D]hat I should know
And [G]I liked it so[Am]
|More of a meaning that co[D]uldn't be true
[G]I didn't underst[Am]and
It's a|lways a good night for sle[D]eping with you
And g[G]o back in [Am]time
ok|? yeah-ok[D][G][Am]
|Imagine pictures from wh[D]en we were young
[G]Suddenly they appe[Am]ar
|I am amazed by the cl[D]arified sound
S[G]o soft in my e[Am]ar
|You say that I'm to conc[D]erned about
Wh[G]at is forever go[Am]ne
|Then I must admit that the ch[D]ances I have
To g[G]et it all back is [Am]none
It's a w|aste of t[D]ime[G[Am]
What a w|aste of t[D]ime[G][Am]
|I know a place u[D]p on the top
[G]We get there in no time[Am]
|We go up to be there fore[D]ver
-at least ins[G]ide of our m[Am]inds
Now |you say that I'm to conc[D]erned about
Wh[G]at is forever g[Am]one
Then |I must admit that the ch[D]ances I have
To g[G]et it all back is n[Am]one
It's a w|aste of t[D]ime[G][Am]
What a w|aste of t[D]ime[G][Am]
What a w|aste of t[D]ime[G][Am]
What a w|aste of t[D]ime[G][Am]
[F]We don't have to build a g[Em]arden of del[F]ight
There's no [Em]such garden in sight
But ton[F]ight I need you safel[Em]y by my side
Sleep tight t[Am]onight|[D][G]
and so on as long as you want the solo to last..
* Denne filen er forfatterens egen tolkning *
* av sangen, skrevet ned kun etter øret. *
* Den er kun beregnet til privat bruk. *
Am D Em F G
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