Frida Amundsen - Closer

Fantastisk låt av Frida Amundsen. Denne måten å spille den på er basert på Fridas liveopptreden på p3 i fjor. 

Jeg er litt usikker på Cadd9, om den faktisk heter det eller ikke. I tillegg er det jo et litt ukjent grep, så legger ved hvordan den akkorden spilles:


Så da har vi altså:





Håper du får like mye glede av denne som meg :) 
Ta kontakt på mail om det er noe;

       G                  D
1.      It's getting late, I'm wide awake.
               Em               Cadd9
       And my mind is raising again.
          G                   D
       I can't find the words, they all seem wrong.
               Em                      Cadd9  D
       Like a meaning is lost in translation.

       G                      D
Bridge I have always been in love with you.
            Em                Cadd9
       But you are unable to see that.
       G                    D
       I have felt this way every night and day.
        Em                     Cadd9
       Wishing that you would just come.

                  G                     D
Ref.   A little closer, come a little closer.
                       Em               Cadd9
       Come a little closer, closer to me.
                       G                     D
       Come a little closer, come a little closer.
              Em               Cadd9
       Come closer, closer to me.

       G                      C
2.      You must be blind, believe me, I ha've tried.
            Em                            Cadd9
       But nothing that i do gets you to see me.
       G                    C
        How do you feel? I need to know.
                  Em                    Cadd9 D
       'Cause my heart just wants to scream, and.

       G                      D
Bridge I have always been in love with you.
            Em                Cadd9
       But you are unable to see that.
       G                    D
       I have felt this way every night and day.
        Em                     Cadd9
       Wishing that you would just come.

                  G                     D
Ref.   A little closer, come a little closer.
                       Em               Cadd9
       Come a little closer, closer to me.
                       G                     D
       Come a little closer, come a little closer.
              Em               Cadd9
       Come closer, closer to me.

       G                      D
Bridge I have always been in love with you.
            Em                Cadd9
       But you are unable to see that.
       G                    D
       I have felt this way every night and day.
        Em                     Cadd9
       Wishing that you would just come.

                  G                     D
Ref.   A little closer, come a little closer.
                       Em               Cadd9
       Come a little closer, closer to me.
                       G                     D
       Come a little closer, come a little closer.
              Em              Cadd9
       Come closer, closer to me.