Not The Band - A Different Shade of Blue
Sometimes I just can’t take the fight C C Dm7 C/G
Someone please turn off that light C C/E Dm7 G
I feel so worn and all alone F F C C
In a lonesome monotone G G/E Dm7 G
Same old dance F
Different shoes Dm
Another day Am
Another shade of blue Am G
Another day Dm7 G
A different shade of blue F C C
Dm7 G F C C
It’s way too hard to find the track
Leading forward instead of back
To find a place where faith is strong
And get the feeling I belong
Same old dance
Different shoes
Another day
Another shade of blue
Another day
A different shade of blue
Another day
A different shade of blue
Another day
A different shade of blue
C Dm7 F G
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