Madrugada - Electric
- Madrugada
bøffa teksten fra , håper det går greit
rettelser/slakt tas imot med takk på
--Eivind Oftebro
C - Am - Em - G
C - Am - Em - G
Vers #1:
C Am
Pack your bags, run away
Em G
on a freeway - out of town
C Am
Where you'd like - and the night
Em G
is over - it's all right
C Am
from despair - between the sheets
Em G
spilling over - spinning round
C Am
waiting still - in the street(??)
aint it better - aint it sweet
C G Em Am
Holding, holding on to you - again
C G Em Am
Holding, holding on to you - again
C G Am
No rushing, don't rush it, my love
Holding, holding on to you
Vers #2
bet you lie - on your back
in the backseat - of his car
Cattle black, pepper night
Dylan Thomas, pass around
passin' out - on the floor
in the bathroom - black light vail
We don't need once again
Sing the song, sing Drink the wine, love
Em Am
how long do we stay in there?
Em Am
well I can't believe my eyes
Em Am
well how long will I take this
well I can't hold on, no
hold on
solo over 1/2 vers (C-Am-Em-G x2)
* Denne filen er forfatterens egen tolkning *
* av sangen, skrevet ned kun etter øret. *
* Den er kun beregnet til privat bruk. *
Am C Em G
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