September When - Can I Trust You

Morten Abel-The September When

[C]It was [D]me My u[C]ncle B[D]en
and the "Bella R[C]osa" men[G][C][D]
We were t[C]rying to get h[G]ome
[Em]from where we sheltered fr[C]om the storm[G][C][D]
[C]And we were crossing f[D]inge[C][D]rs
for b[C]etter weather[G][C][D]
We dec[C]ided to w[G]ait for a n[Em]ew day 
with the hope of n[C]o rain[G][C][D]

[Em]"We don't go where the s[D]un don't shine"
[Em]That's a "Bella Rosa" l[D]ine
There was n[Em]othing we could do 
'Cause th[C]ey were both the capta[D]in and cre[G]w[C9][G][D]

Can I tr[G]ust you[C9]
[G]You know where to g[D]o don't you[G][C9][G][D]
Can I tr[G]ust you[C9][G][D]

[C]And as[D] the night[C]
was repl[D]aced by the f[C]irst light[G][C][D]
And uncle B[C]en said "let's [G]go"
[Em]the "Bella Rosa" men [C]they said "n[G]o"[C][D]
[C]We know the sh[D]ores 'round h[C]ere
as we kn[D]ow them ev[C]erywhere[G][C][D]
We c[C]are for our b[G]oat and if the h[Em]urricane will meet us
we won't k[C]eep her af[G]loat[C][D]

[Em]"We don't go where the s[D]un don't shine"
[Em]That's a "Bella Rosa" l[D]ine
There was n[Em]othing we could do 
'Cause th[C]ey were both the capta[D]in and cre[G]w[C9][G][D]

Can I tr[G]ust you[C9]
[G]You know where to g[D]o don't you[G][C9][G][D]
Can I tr[G]ust you[C9]
[G]You know where to g[D]o don't you
Can I tr[G]ust you[C9]
[G]You know where to g[D]o don't you[G][C9][G][D]
Can I tr[G]ust you[C9]
[G]You know where to g[D]o don't you[G][C9][G][D]

L[G]ily's tears fell [C9]on the beach
[G]She had dreams she c[D]ouldn't reach
She was[G] worried[C9]
She was w[G]orri[D]ed
L[G]ily darling d[C9]on't you cry
For sh[G]ipwrecked sailors i[D]n the night
We're c[G]oming[C9]
We're c[G]oming h[D]ome to y[G]ou

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