Into the Forest

av boenern 13/10-2008
Capo på 5. bånd

Em G   D        C
I went into the forest,
Em G   D       C
even before my birth.
Em  G          D       C
You think that I am special,
Em   G      D          C
just take a look at me first.

Em G      D    C
I'm naked over water.
Em G          D       C
The ground is over my feet.
Em    G        D          C
Don't care for the surroundings,
Em G        D      C
my snake is not my fare.

C        Em
Yes, I'm special,
C      Em
but it hurts.
C      Em 
Your catalogue has
C       Em
made it worse
C         Em       
Guess I'm special,
C     Em
to complain
C       Em              
In this forest I
C      Em
am not sane.


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