Vamp - Kim du nå va?
Denne publiseres som en hyllest til Vamp, og kun for bruk av fans som nyter musikken. Anbefaler å kjøpe notesamlingen "Ei med alt". Verdt hver krone.
Am G#7
Den finaste mårenen e den så vente.
C Dm G
Og eg e der lenge før eg e heilt nødt.
Eg står opp med solå og ser at hu hente
ein ny dag og sett an på gløtt.
Am G#7
Den finaste dagen e den så lar vær
C Dm G
å bestemma, men løfte meg opp og gir fart.
Då sveve eg fint, eg kan se og glømma
og velge meg kvitt framfor svart.
Am F
Så takk ska du ha, kjære gud,
C C7 F
Eller kim du nå va?
G Fm6 C
Du så fant opp dei finaste ting.
Når skumringen legge sitt slør øve dagen
Og stillheten senke seg, går eg te ro.
Eller kanskje så søke eg byen og larmen
og tar meg et glass eller to.
Så takk ska du ha…
Den finaste nattå va den så me delte.
Me leita og fant uten for månge ord.
Så våkna eg innte den finaste jentå
eg vett om på denna jord.
Så takk ska du ha ..
I stedet for G#7 i verset kan du bruke Fmmaj7 ned til Fm6. Og hvis du legger en F før Dm (altså F der det står Dm og faller ned til Dm i neste slag), blir det veldig fint. Anbefaler for øvrig E i bassen (C/E) først i versets tredje linje.
Oversettelse til engelsk er en øvelse som krever like mye lyriske evner som å skrive teksten selv :-)
Øyvind (Gjest) 11/08-2014 19:50
Denne fikk jeg først et forhold til på Chat Noir i 2013, med kjæresten min. Det er by far den vakreste sangen jeg har i spillelisten min
Jeg blir like rørt hver gang jeg hører den.
thanks for your superb input! I was on the track but this tricky language of them Nors is awesome... As a Finn, coincidentally living in Germany I would welcome a German translation of the words that you are not sure of... All texts in Finnish and Swedish are accepted, too!
Also, wo Du nicht sicher bist, bitte melden!
Hi Pekka !
First... I´m German and my english is not that good (and my norwegian isn´t perfect, too)!
But I try the translation – maybe some Norwegians can optimize it !?
The norwegian language consist in different dialects! In this case… Most of the members in “VAMP” are coming from Haugesund (Rogaland district) – a town in West Norway – and the dialect is called “Haugesund – dialect”!
Vamp – Kim du nå va ? – Who you (now/ever) are ?
The finest morning is this which comes
and I´m already there long before I must be
I rise together with the sun and see that she (the sun)
is calling a brand new day and attends to it.
The finest day is the day which isn´t
regulate, but is lifting me up and give pace.
There I can waft so fine, I can see and forget
and choose white instead of black.
So, thank you dear God,
or who you (now/ever) are ?
You, which invented the finest things.
When the twilight is taking its haze upon the day
And the calm is spreading – I will retire.
Or maybe I´m going to the town and alarm
And I´ll drink a glass or two.
So, thank you dear God…
The finest night was the one we shared.
We searched and found without many words.
I awoke beside the finest girl
I know on this earth.
So, thank you, dear God …
Pekka, try these two songs, too…:
Eg vandra langs med elvå – Rita Eriksen (the melody is the same as ”I wandered by a brookside” – Eva Cassidy and
”E slåttatæja” – Henning Sommerro (Calm version) – I love it !
- try to translate ”E slåttatæja” looool !
It´s written in „Surnadal-dialect” (Hans Hyldbakk) and I asked a norwegian girl (from southwest Norway) to translate – but she (nearly) couldn´t … !!!!! – different dialects … J
I stedet for G#7 i verset kan du bruke Fmmaj7 ned til Fm6. Og hvis du legger en F før Dm (altså F der det står Dm og faller ned til Dm i neste slag), blir det veldig fint. Anbefaler for øvrig E i bassen (C/E) først i versets tredje linje.
Oversettelse til engelsk er en øvelse som krever like mye lyriske evner som å skrive teksten selv :-)
Denne fikk jeg først et forhold til på Chat Noir i 2013, med kjæresten min. Det er by far den vakreste sangen jeg har i spillelisten min
Jeg blir like rørt hver gang jeg hører den.
Btw. G#7 sounds wrong to me (Actually it's G#º7 in the book "4 x 3 4 3 x " ) One can use Fm instead, sounds good, and a little easier
End of song with refrain twice, and slightly different words & tones... Not in the book (or above), but if you listen ;-)
thanks for your superb input! I was on the track but this tricky language of them Nors is awesome... As a Finn, coincidentally living in Germany I would welcome a German translation of the words that you are not sure of... All texts in Finnish and Swedish are accepted, too!
Also, wo Du nicht sicher bist, bitte melden!
First... I´m German and my english is not that good (and my norwegian isn´t perfect, too)!
But I try the translation – maybe some Norwegians can optimize it !?
The norwegian language consist in different dialects! In this case… Most of the members in “VAMP” are coming from Haugesund (Rogaland district) – a town in West Norway – and the dialect is called “Haugesund – dialect”!
Vamp – Kim du nå va ? – Who you (now/ever) are ?
The finest morning is this which comes
and I´m already there long before I must be
I rise together with the sun and see that she (the sun)
is calling a brand new day and attends to it.
The finest day is the day which isn´t
regulate, but is lifting me up and give pace.
There I can waft so fine, I can see and forget
and choose white instead of black.
So, thank you dear God,
or who you (now/ever) are ?
You, which invented the finest things.
When the twilight is taking its haze upon the day
And the calm is spreading – I will retire.
Or maybe I´m going to the town and alarm
And I´ll drink a glass or two.
So, thank you dear God…
The finest night was the one we shared.
We searched and found without many words.
I awoke beside the finest girl
I know on this earth.
So, thank you, dear God …
Pekka, try these two songs, too…:
Eg vandra langs med elvå – Rita Eriksen (the melody is the same as ”I wandered by a brookside” – Eva Cassidy and
”E slåttatæja” – Henning Sommerro (Calm version) – I love it !
- try to translate ”E slåttatæja” looool !
It´s written in „Surnadal-dialect” (Hans Hyldbakk) and I asked a norwegian girl (from southwest Norway) to translate – but she (nearly) couldn´t … !!!!! – different dialects … J
Greetings from Germany