      Saint Thomas - The Present.

  I [G]sent you a present some year[D]s ago. but it ne[C]ver arrived
  cause your po[G]stbox was too small. [G]so i got it in re[D]turn from a
  postman, saying th[C]ere is nothing we can[G] do.

  Nex[D]t day i sen[C]t you a letter to tel[G]l you about this incident
  n[D]ow 3 yea[C]rs has passed, so i g[G]uess it never arrived.

  I[G] live in Oslo and y[D]ou live in Berlin, so som[C]etimes i fly
  over t[G]here. I know the streets cause i've l[D]ived there before.
  I have loo[C]ked on every corner that i k[G]now.

  A[D]nd i guess i'll ne[C]ver see you aga[G]in singing this song,

  hoping you will hear.

  x4 .


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