Lind, Nilsen, Fuentes, Holm - Hallelujah
Capo: 5th Bånd

           G            Em7          G              Em7
e ---------3------------3--------------3------------3------|
B ---------3------------3--------------3------------3------|
G -------0---0--------0---0----------0---0--------0---0----|
D -----0-------0----2-------2------0-------0----2-------2--|
A -------------------------------2-------------------------|
E ---3------------0------------3--------------0------------|

           G            Em7          G            Em7
e ---------3------------3------------3------------3--------|
B ---------3------------3------------3------------3--------|
G -------0---0--------0---0--------0---0--------0---0------|
D -----0-------0----2-------2----0-------0----2-------2----|
A ---------------------------------------------------------|
E ---3------------0------------3------------0--------------|
   I heard...     secret....     david....   played....

    C            D      D        G            D
e --------3------2------3p2------3-----3------3p2-----2----|
B --------1------3------3--------3-----3------3-------3----|
G ------0---0------2--------2------0-----0--------2-----2--|
D ----2-------2------0--------0------0-----0--------0------|
A --3------------------------------------------------------|
E ---------------------------------------------------------|
but you...       care for music  do you?                    well it

  G               C         D         Em7          C
e -3------3--------3---------2--------3-----3-------3-----3--------|
B -3------3--------1---------3--------3-----3-------1-----1--------|
G ---0------0--------0---------2--------0-----0-------0-----0------|
D -----0------0--------2---------0--------2-----2-------2-----2----|
A -----------------------------------------------------------------|
E -----------------------------------------------------------------|
goes ...       the fourth the fifth the minor...     major...

     D             B               Em
e ---2-----2-------2------2--------0-----0------0-----|
B ---3-----3-------4------4--------0-----0------0-----|
G -----2------2------4------4--------0-----0----------|
D -------0------0------4-------4--------2-----2-------|
A ----------------------------------------------------|
E ----------------------------------------------------|
the baffled king composing  Hallelujah

      C                         Em7         D
e ----------3------------3------------3-----3p2------|
B ----------1------------1------------3-----3--------|
G --------0---0--------0---0--------0---0-------2----|
D ------2-------2----2-------2----2-------2-------0--|
A ----3------------3---------------------------------|
E ------------------------------0--------------------|
Hallelujah               Hallelujah

   C                              G           D
e -------3--------------3---------------3-----------3p2------|
B -------1------------1-1---------------3---------3-3---3----|
G -----0---0--------0-----0-----------0---0-----2---------2--|
D ---2-------2----2---------2-------0-------0-0--------------|
A -3------------3--------------------------------------------|
E --------------------------------3--------------------------|
Hallelujah               Hallelujah  

  G            Em7          G              Em7
e ---------3------------3--------------3------------3------|
B ---------3------------3--------------3------------3------|
G -------0---0--------0---0----------0---0--------0---0----|
D -----0-------0----2-------2------0-------0----2-------2--|
A -------------------------------2-------------------------|
E ---3------------0------------3--------------0------------|

Nilsen, Lind, Fuentes, Holm - Hallelujah

          Capo: 5th bånd

          Intr.: G - Em7 - G - Em7

Vers 1:
  G                 Em7
I heard there was a secret chord
      G                    Em7
That David played and it pleased the Lord
    C                 D             G       D
But you don't really care for music do you?
Well it goes like this
      C           D        Em7                 C
The fourth the fifth the minor fall and the major lift
   D             B             Em   
The battle king composing Hallelujah
       C          Em7             C           G   D     G
Hallelujah Hallelujah        Hallelujah Hallel-uu-uu-jjaahh

          Mellomspill: G - Em7 - G - Em7

Vers 2:

Well your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
She tied you to her kitchen chair
She broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips you drew the Hallelujah

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

          Mellomspill: G - Em7 - G - Em7

Vers 3:

Maybe there's a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot at somebody who outdrew you
And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It’s not somebody who's seen the light
It’s a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Halleluuuujaah
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Halleluuuuuuuujah


Dette feltet skal ikke fylles ut:
  • geir rune (Gjest)
    er det ikke bm istede for b eller.. jeg spiller iallefall d-hm-em og ikke d-b-em
  • <fjernet>
    Du gjør en "pull-off" fra 3. til 2. bånd.
    Se her om du ikke vet hva det er: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz-XSCrpOdY
  • thor_erik
    hva er 3p2
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