Play My Darling

av scorpio73 23/10-2009
KATZENJAMMER - Play My Darling

A (577655) - Asus (577755) - A*(576755)

A messenger arrived through
A sunlit' open door
Passed the dangers of the world
To his troubled queen so bored
With a voice full of worry and
A frightened fighter's face
Another day's morning in life's busy race

He l[D]ooked into her eyes b[B]efore he spoke

Pl[E]ay my darling, pl[D]ay
Don't you p[A]ut yourself on the throne no more
Pl[E]ay my darling, pl[D]ay
There's a w[A]orld outside our broken borders
Pl[E]ay my darling, pl[D]ay
Don't you p[A]ut your key in another door
Pl[E]ay my darling, p[D]lay
With a w[E]orld outside your broken b[E7]orders

She's a lonely young girl
She's the sister of the moon
Her heart is like November
Though she wants it to be June
Larger than life she's standing there so tall
There's a note with her name and
It's hanging on the wall
Her eyes they opened wide when she read


She's st[D]uck there on her
Island so mar[B]ooned
The l[D]imelights got
Her blinded and h[B]arpooned



Dette feltet skal ikke fylles ut:
  • <fjernet>
    I don't think A* is really supposed to mean anything. At least not anything I have ever heard of. When I inserted the notes into Guitar Pro to try to get a chord name for you, it gave me "Dsus2add11+" and various other long names. But this is even more confusing to me
    I would try to play an Asus chord, and play the A note half a step down (G#). This should work, I think
  • aaagi
    Can anybody tell me in english what A* means? I need the chords for Ukulele and could not find how it is called.

    I found these chords only here so please don't be angry with me because of posting in english

    thanks a lot!! agi
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