Stay Home

av Lisulf 08/03-2010
e|-3-----------       |-2-----------
a|-------------   x4  |-------------  x4
d|---0-------0-       |---0-------0-
g|-----0---0---       |-----2---2---
h|-------0-----       |-------0-----
e|-------------       |-------------

|-0------------       |-2-----------
|--------------  x4   |-------------  x4
|---2-------2--       |---0-------0-
|-----0---0----       |-----2---2---
|-------0------       |-------0-----
|--------------       |-------------

|--------------         |--------------
|-3------------  x3     |--------------
|---2-------2--         |-----2------2-
|-----0---0----         |---0------0---
|-------0------         |-1------3-----
|--------------         |--------------

|-3------------        |-2-----------
|--------------   x4   |-------------  x4
|---0-------0--        |---0-------0-
|-----0---0----        |-----2---2---
|-------3------        |-------3-----
|--------------        |-------------

|-0------------       |-2-----------
|--------------  x4   |-------------  x4
|--------------       |-------------
|---0-------0--       |---2-------2-
|-----0---0----       |-----0---0---
|-------2------       |-------2-----

|--------------       |-------------
|--------------  x4   |-3-----------  x4
|-2------------       |-------------
|---0-------0--       |---0-------0-
|-----0---0----       |-----0---0---
|-------2------       |-------3-----

e|-3-----------       |-2-----------
a|-------------       |-------------
d|---0-------0-       |---0-------0-
g|-----0---0---       |-----2---2---
h|-------0-----       |-------0-----
e|-------------       |-------------

Stay home with         me never look

|-0------------       |-2-----------
|--------------  x4   |-------------  x4
|---2-------2--       |---0-------0-
|-----0---0----       |-----2---2---
|-------0------       |-------0-----
|--------------       |-------------

back I won't let you   down I won't make a


sound If you stay home with
me I'd nevner let go
I won't do you harm
I'd never go far
Just stay home with me

Stay home with me
Never look back
I won't let you down
I won't make a sound
If you stay home with me
I'd nevner let go
I won't do you harm
I'd never go far
Just stay home with me

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