C                       G
It was a moment for the books
The calendar looked
              F                            C
just like the novels we had only skimmed through.

C                    G
So I circled out the dates 
that I'll skillfully waste.
    F                           C
For now that's going to have to do.

C                              G
It was on the brightest summer day
after we swam in the lake,
         F                         C
that you told me our luck is gonna end.

C                  G
So we better be concerned. 
We're where the subway turns.
          F                       Dm
We need a camera and some cash to spend.

Dm                  G
And our picturesque blame; 
Am              Em
we'll put it in IKEA-frames.
Dm                      G
Up on the wall it looks profound,
               Am                     F
and reminds us Oslo is a small, small town.

So it's night and we dive into a basement that's alive
with stupidity that melts into pairs.
But your good intent was clear when you split and left me here
to regret I left my high horse upstairs.

And with the way I say goodbye
I could have ruined everything.
But I'll be seeing you around
because Oslo is a small, small town.

I'm keeping myself calm
if just for the sake of staying warm.
So with my eyes fixed on the ground
I admitted Oslo is a small, small town


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  • Freddim
    Takk for hyggelig kommentar! var ganske usikker på akkurat det, men det skal være fikset nå
  • MT (Gjest)
    Denne har jeg leita lenge etter. Takk skal du ha! Og hvis du bytter ut C med Em i Ikea-frames høres det enda bedre ut!
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