Wide awake

av fog 30/06-2012
    Am	        Dm     G      C
The dawn breaks slowly in the east
   Am      Dm	     G
As day de- feats the night
    Am   Dm      G            C
The echo of your voice - that greets
    Am     Dm      G
The feeble morning light
       C    G	         Am	Em 
Is the only answer to my silent Prayer
    F        Dm           G
And promises - I'll never made
         C      G               Am      
You were always with, me You're always 
      Dm	           Em    Am
In my dreams though I am - wide Awake.

    Am	      Dm    G      C
And sometimes a- forbidden glance
      Am      Dm      G
Would give my - heart away
    Am	       Dm      G     C
The light that candled our romance
    Am	    Dm          G
May flicker through the grey
        C        G
All the gold and silver at the 
Am        Em
rainbow's end
    F       Dm         G
All earthly goods I forsake
         C          G	  Am	 Em
For each shooting star, I wish I send
      Dm	           Em    Am
In my dreams though I am - wide awake

Am           Dm      G     C    
You were the rolling tidal wave 
     Am      Dm         G
That kept my - barren shores 
   Am        Dm       G        C
If you would let me share your day
   Am        Dm   G
My life’s forever yours 
        C     G              Am.    Em 
I could never understand the reason why
   F         Dm                G
We failed to learn from our mistakes
       C         G          Am      Em
I will wait for you, as the days go by
      Dm                 Em    Am
In my dreams though I am wide awake


Dette feltet skal ikke fylles ut:
  • fogw (Gjest)
    Original: Sett capo på bånd 5. Transponer ned fra original for og bedre passe min stemme
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