City Boy

av <fjernet> 22/07-2012
Tabbet av VinceValentin,

Acoustic simplistic edition of this nailed-to-the-mind-song :)

Capo on 4th (to play with record)

Strum, pick, slap or however you like

Intro: G, Em, Bm, A

G             Em           Bm
I don’t wanna be that city boy,
        A                G
Running timeless streets again
              Em           Bm
I don’t wanna be that city boy,
          A                    G
Stumbling down the streets, my friend

Underneath my skin lives an eagle
Bm               A
Underneath these clouds there’s an ego
G             Em
Underneath my sin lives an eagle
Bm              A
Underneath this, underneath this...
G             Em
Underneath my skin lives an eagle
Bm               A
Underneath these clouds there’s an ego
G             Em
Underneath my sin lives an eagle
Bm               A
Underneath these clouds there’s an ego

Verse 2:
G             Em           Bm
I don’t wanna be that city boy,
          A                 G
Stumbling down the streets again
              Em           Bm
I don’t wanna be that city boy,
        A                    G
Running timeless streets, my friend

Chorus 2:
Underneath my skin lives an eagle
Bm               A
Underneath these clouds there’s an ego
G             Em
Underneath my sin lives an eagle
Bm              A
Underneath this, underneath this...
G             Em
Underneath my skin lives an eagle
Bm               A
Underneath these clouds there’s an ego
G             Em
Underneath my sin lives an eagle
Bm               A
Underneath these clouds there’s an ego


G              Em        Bm                   A
You're moving around and heavenly you move in town
G              Em        Bm                   A       G      Em
You’re moving around and heavenly you move in town
    Bm                   A
And heavenly you move in town

Break: G, Em, Bm, A  x2

Final Chorus(es):
G             Em
Underneath my skin lives an eagle
Bm               A
Underneath these clouds there’s an ego
G             Em
Underneath my sin lives an eagle
Bm              A
Underneath this, underneath this...
G             Em
Underneath my skin lives an eagle
Bm               A
Underneath these clouds there’s an ego
G             Em
Underneath my sin lives an eagle
Bm               A
Underneath these clouds there’s an ego

G             Em
Underneath my skin lives an eagle
                           Bm                   A
(You’re moving around and) heavenly you move in town
G             Em
Underneath my skin lives an eagle
                           Bm                   A
(You’re moving around and) heavenly you move in town
G     Em        Bm      A
        Moving around
G     Em        Bm      A
        Moving around
G              Em        Bm                   A
You’re moving around and heavenly you move in town
G             Em           Bm         A
I don’t wanna be that city boy
G             Em           Bm         A
I don’t wanna be that city boy


Dette feltet skal ikke fylles ut:
  • Gitarelsker???? (Gjest)
    Veldig braaaaaaa????
  • Surstrumming (Gjest)
    Lett å spille, men strever litt med strumming. Noen som har innspill på dette?
  • VinceValentin (Gjest)
    Takk for credsa forresten, nobelt av deg
  • VinceValentin (Gjest)
    Artig at denne havna her Var faktisk ikke klar over denne siden før nylig, hehe
  • Ibanez (Gjest)
  • Jan-Erik (Gjest)
    Super jobb! Ikke den vanskeligste å spille, men veldig grei å kunne i sosiale lag!
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