Los Angeles

av Ukjent 24/02-2007
- Morten Harket

Rhthym    |  |.        |:lenght=1 |~=0.5 |~~=0.25 |.=1.5 d=2 d=2 d.=3 o=4
Chords    C  A-/B | D  harmony/bass melody  | here means end of measure
Lyrics  yooohoo!!
Choir  (yeah!!)
Notes    c   a         single notes of the lead singer
Choir    g   e         second voice

[d] [d] [d] [d] [d] [d]
[D] [A] [C] [G] [Bb] [F] [A-(9]

[d] [d] [d] [d] [d] [d]
[D] [A] [C] [G] [Bb] [F] [A-(9]

[D]   You w[A]aited for m[C]e when [G]I was strong [Bb]   you never ca[F].lled you w[A-(9]aited long

[D]   n[A]ow I come b[C]ack to sl[G]eep with you [Bb]   you love me st[F]ill I l[A-(9]ove you too

[D]   y[A]ou kept the h[C]ouse I c[G]ould not keep[Bb]   you kissed good n[F]ight and w[A-(9]ent to

sleep [D]   n[A]ow I come b[C]ack to sl[G]eep with you [Bb]   you love me st[F]ill I l[A-(9]ove you

too come with m[F]e to that r[D-9]oom by the s[A]ea with the v[C]iew and the m[G]oon of
[a] [a] [a] [g] [a] [c] [a] [g] [a] [a] [b] [c] [c] [e] [d] [c]
[g] [f] [f] [e] [f] [e] [d] [c] [e] [d] [c] [e] [e] [g] [g] [g]

Los [D]Angeles
[g] [g] [a] [a]
 [d]   [e]   [d]  [d]                                          o
you're beautiful back the.[F].n God you're b[C]eautiful n[G9]ow  come with m[D-9]e
[a] [c] [b] [a] [g] [a] [a] [g] [g] [f] [e] [d] [f] [d] [d]
[c] [d] [d] [f] [e] [c] [d] [e] [e] [d] [c] [a] [d] [a] [a]

[d] [d] [d] [d] [d] [d]
[D] [A] [C] [G] [Bb] [F] [A-(9]

[d] [d] [d] [d] [d] [d]
[D] [A] [C] [G] [Bb] [F] [A-(9]

come with m[F]e to that r[D-9]oom by the s[A]ea with the v[C]iew and the m[G]oon

of Los [D]Angeles

                                                   o             o----o
you're beautiful back the.[F].n God you're b[C]eautiful n[G9]ow come with m[D-9]e

[D]   y[A]eah I was str[C]ong I h[G]ad no choice [Bb]   the kids grew [F]up and l[A-(9]eft the house

[D]   b[A]ut I come b[C]ack to sl[G]eep with you [Bb]   you love me st[F]ill I l[A-(9]ove you too

d  d      o         d  d    d d   d  d   o
Bb F |    A-(9)     D- A- | C G | Bb F | A-(9)
      I know u did

come with m[F]e to that r[D-9]oom by the s[A]ea with the v[C]iew and the m[G]oon

of Los [D]Angeles

                                                   o    o-----o
you're beautiful back the.[F].n God you're b[C]eautiful n[G9]ow[D-9]

[d] [d] [d] [d] [d] [d]
[D] [A] [C] [G] [Bb] [F] [A-(9]

d  d    d d   d  d   o ........
[D] [A] [C] [G] [Bb] [F] [A-(9]

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* av sangen, skrevet ned kun etter øret.    *
* Den er kun beregnet til privat bruk.      *


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