Back in jail
Backstreet Girls
Backstreet Girls: Back in jail
p o
D D-C-B-Bb-A (riff)
Story I'm gonna tell you right now happened on a friday nite
was around that night with flashing lights so he joined myself today
You know that I had to be Back in jail
Ran into trouble with a stupid girl her name was Maggie C
So I wanted to get rid of her I hate that solitude
Killed the girl with my shining knife now Back in jail
Back, Back, Back in jail
(Kommentar: Er vanskelig å tyde disse BG tekstene så hvis noen kunne bidra så hadde det vært fint for her er det garantert mye feil. Akkordene skal I hvert fall være riktige.)
That time I didn`t knew that I soon gonna be, Back in jail.
Came into trouble with a silly girl, her name was Fantasy.
There`s only one way to get rid of her, I hate that sort of girls.
I killed the girl with my shiny knife now, Back in jail.