Backstreet Girls: Sexual


Now highschool well just stay cool
Plain homework now that’s for jerks
Lunchtime ain’t quitting time
Well that’s [A]my time that’s my time that’s my time
[B]Teachers drive me up the wall
The [D]only fun I have at all is

Sex,sex,sex,sex, sex,sex,sex,sex,sexual x2

A  G  Riff

Now you take away my carkeys  oh no
Don’t take em away you’re a maniac
Now your mom and dad said your moms too bad
That’s so sad, That’s so sad, That’s so sad

Now they drive you up the wall
The only fun you have at all is

Sex,sex,sex,sex, sex,sex,sex,sex,sexual x2

[A] [G]
So [D]grab your wheels take some [A]baby for a ride
D[C]on’t stay h[G]ome with [A]your folks
Cos [D]sometimes tensions are [C]building up inside
You [B]gotta get a grip on yourself

Sex,sex,sex,sex, sex,sex,sex,sex,sexual x4

Solo: A        D  C  A  D  C   B

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