A Place To Stop
September When
- The September When (Morten Abel)
[Em]You talk a l[G]ot about s[C]ilence day[D]
[Em]As we d[G]rive along the s[C]o-called highw[D]ay
[Em]I stop the p[G]ickup on a h[C]illtop nearb[D]y
[Em]So we can g[G]aze upon the b[C]lue sky
[Em]I feel so s[G]afe with my h[C]ands upon the wh[D]eel
[Em]It's just like e[G]verything aro[C]und me becomes [D]unreal
[Em]And you tell st[G]ories close to l[C]ies about despa[D]ir
[Em]Is there a p[G]lace to stop aro[C]und here
[G]Is there a place to st[D]op
Around h[G]ere
Is there a place to st[D]op
[Em]And as the [G]afternoon comes [C]sneaking in[D]
[Em]It brings w[G]ith it from the o[C]cean a [D]cold w[Em]ind
And you tell m[G]e about the tr[C]end in magaz[D]ines
[Em]I try to f[G]ind a place with g[C]asoline....gasoline
[G]Is there a place to st[D]op
Around h[G]ere
Is there a place to st[D]op
Around h[G]ere
Is there a place to st[D]op
Around he[C]re
I'm sometimes [D]up - sometimes d[C]own
I'm so h[D]appy for the wo[C]rld is round[D]
I go for a s[Em]econd time[G][C][D]
I go for a s[Em]econd time[G][C][D]
[G]Is there a place to st[D]op
Around h[G]ere
Is there a place to st[D]op
Around h[G]ere
[G]Is there a place to st[D]op
Around h[G]ere
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