
av Anonym 25/03-2016
Italy - NRWY

Bm A G D Em

	D G		   A
As you lie in the morning dew
        D    G		  A
And you dream of breaking through

D G A F#m

	D G		      A
As you sit by the railroad track
	D G		A
You forget which way is back

	      Bm	A       G	D
Though you’ve swallowed all the lies tonight
       Bm	Em/G      D	     A
Taking steps to deserting wrong from right
        Bm	Em/G	 D	       A
Hearing all of these you thought you´d say
Bm		/G		D
Coming out in all the wrong way

	   D   G	       A
There is a time when time goes by
      D    G    	A
And another is gone already

            Bm	    A      G	D
You’ve been on your best behaviour
       Bm	      Em/G		 D	     A
Saying things like “I wish” and “we will see ´bout that”
         Bm       Em/G	   D     A
Now they view you as their saviour
       Em		       Bm
Saving only what they (…) left behind

	     D	     A
And you were all but mine
        Bm   G
Kept me all alive
	       D      Bm    A
Coming to your senses every time
But I´ll be fine
I´ll be fine

	D G		  A
As you lie in the morning dew
        Bm     G     A
And you dream

Bm A G F#m Em
Bm A G F#m Em
Bm A G F#m Em
Bm A G F#m Em


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