
av Ukjent 24/02-2007
Morten Abel-The September When
From 'Mother, I've been kissed'

[E]If the sea was as calm as my mother
My boat as big as a sh[A]ip
If we all could care a bit m[C#m]ore for each other
Then we might all go on that tr[H]ip

[E]I don't have time to explain this
But you would soon get the fe[A]el
I have enough with mys[C#m]elf to look after
'Cause I'm so po[H]or I could ste[E]al

[A]I'm talking serious poverty
I don't w[E]ant this to sound like a j[C#m]oke
So don't ask me if I'm coming o[H]ut
'Cause you know that I'm br[E]oke

[E]I don't have time to explain this
But you would soon get the fe[A]el
I have enough with mys[C#m]elf to look after
'Cause I'm so po[H]or I could ste[E]al

[A]I'm talking serious poverty
I don't w[E]ant this to sound like a j[C#m]oke
So don't ask me if I'm coming o[H]ut
'Cause you know that I'm br[E]oke

[A]I'm talking serious poverty
I don't w[E]ant this to sound like a j[C#m]oke
So don't ask me if I'm coming o[H]ut
'Cause you know that I'm br[E]oke

* Denne filen er forfatterens egen tolkning *
* av sangen, skrevet ned kun etter øret.    *
* Den er kun beregnet til privat bruk.      *


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    Genial sang! Takk
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