Come On In
- Motorpsycho
{magnus bruheim - teapot(a)}
Gmaj7 | Cmaj7 | Gmaj7 | Cmaj7 ||
Gmaj7 | Cmaj7 | Gmaj7 | Cmaj7 ||
Gmaj7 Cmaj7
How come you're never there
Gmaj7 Cmaj7
when I'm on the floor
Gmaj7 Cmaj7 Gmaj7 Cmaj7
to pick me up or to kick my ass or what?
I don't think you care
'cos when you walk out the door
you always seem to leave the deepest cut
Em C "D"
come on in
Am G/H C
don't you think I know the answer?
Em C "D"
let me show you
Am G/H C
how the story goes
come on into
this void I call my castle
live it up
I won't be stepping on your toes
going home-time breedes misunderstanding
I always seem to misunderstand the most
walk the tightrope and you won't break your neck fallin'
but it's my death warrant that you've nailed upon the post
Repeat Chorus
Gmaj Cmaj7 Gmaj Cmaj7
you always seem to leave the deepest cut.............
(Hvis du tar grepene slik, ligner det mest på studio-versjonen.)
Gmaj7 | 3540xx
Cmaj7 | 33200x
Em | 022000
C | x32010
"D" | x54030
Am | x02210
G/H | x20210
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